
'Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World' a video about the approval of the chemical food additive 'Aspartame' has saved lives. Please watch it and save another life. The sequel: 'Sweet Remedy' is below it.

a shorter video... testimonies. Nutrasweet brand is Aspartame. A must watch!

New video from Dr Ralph Walton, July 2023 - Fraud in Medical Research

A short video from Dr. Russell Blaylock...

A man lost his wife...

Vignettes from an April 14, 2015 interview with Dr. Ralph Walton, resident of Chautauqua Institution, on his life experiences highlighting his research on Aspartame. He discusses his appearance on 60 Minutes with Mike Wallace. The interviewer was Greg Peterson. (sound quality is poor).

Jim Turner recalls Rumsfeld meeting oerv Nutrasweet (Aspartame)

The Organic View Radio show, aspartame authority, Mary Nash Stoddard talks to host, June Stoyer about the dangerous effects of aspartame pilots can experience when flying.

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