MSG News (Monosodium Glutamate)

I am now posting all current news on thsi subject on a Quora Space - click here to view or come and join me!

Unabated use of China salt puts public health at stake - HERE (Feb 25th 2024)

Berhampur: Silk City Berhampur is known as the food capital of Odisha owing to the many varieties of delicacies the city offers to food lovers.

However, restaurateurs, eateries, hotels and fast food counters continue to add MSG (Monosodium Glutamate), commonly known as Chinese salt or ajinomoto, to food items during preparation as a taste enhancer notwithstanding the serious risks the salt poses to the health of the food lovers.

 Nestle takes Maggi off the shelves, says 'will be back in markets soon' - HERE (Feb 24, 2024)

 After Delhi, four more states - Gujurat, Tamil Nadu, Jammu and Kashmir and Uttarakand  - on Thursday banned the sale of Maggi noodles after concerns were raised over prescence of monosodium glutamate (MSG) and lead beyond permissible levels in the product.
Why what you eat matters (November 17th, 2023) HERE (Tainted, adulterated or contaminated MSG. As if eating MSG wasn't bad enough for your health!)

...It is pertinent to verify important details such as date of production, expiry date, brand name, NAFDAC approval, among other vital information.

In recent times, Kaduna and some parts of the North have been heavily infiltrated with unbranded and substandard monosodium glutamate (MSG), which health experts have begun to raise alarm over the impending health implications...

Dopamine and diets: Experts flag ultra-processed foods’ possible impacts on brain’s reward systems HERE (13th October 2023)
The article does not discuss flavour enhancers, either hidden or in plain sight... what a surprise!
Minimise MSG use: Researchers urge caution amid fears of metabolic health impact 
(20th Nov, 2023)

Read the article HERE

 Can’t stop won’t stop — and here's why | Food For Thought with Kat - HERE

...These flavor enhancers may not only increase our cravings for the foods that contain them, but may lead to an increase in appetite as well...

Beware ‘Umami’; cook at home: Experts (October 26th, 2023) HERE

MSG, commonly found in fast food, creates a fifth taste called Umami which makes people crave fast food more. Doctors advise against eating food with MSG...
“An ingredient in fast food called MSG (Monosodium glutamate), commonly called aginomoto, which contains an excitatory neurotransmitter, makes you eat fast food often. It actually develops a different/fifth taste called Umami for you, which actually is not beneficial for your body,” said Prof NS Verma, HoD, physiology, KGMU, and organising chairman of the national conference of physiology at a press conference on Thursday. The three-day conference begins on Friday.  

“The habit of eating food under the influence of an excitatory neurotransmitter can make people ill,” said Prof Manish Bajpai, the organising secretary of the conference.

“Food with MSG should be a big no for all but unfortunately this is not happening,” said Prof Verma...

MSG makes Chinese cuisine addictive, say KGMU experts (October 27th, 2023) HERE
Adrienne Samuels from Truth in Labeling raised a petition on January 4, 2021 with the FDA to:

..."remove mention of “monosodium glutamate” being a food additive safe for its intended use and to remove monosodium glutamate and glutamic acid from 21 CFR, Chapter 1, Subchapter B, Food for Human Consumption, where they are listed as optional components in products’ standards of identity"

Download pdf HERE

Adrienne Samuels has a website devoted to exposing MSG/MfG/ L-Glutamic Acid falsehoods in the food industry. Here's two very important posts you should read on the subject:

The History of Monosodium Glutamate: The Hidden Neurotoxic Chemical | Part One

The History of Monosodium Glutamate: The Hidden Neurotoxic Chemical | Part Two

Why You Shouldn't Swear Off An Aldi Product If You Don't Like It Right Away - HERE
(23rd October, 2023)
...Among its private line, Aldi ceased using partially hydrogenated oils, also known as trans fats. The chain also excised synthetic coloring agents and excess monosodium glutamate. According to Aldi CEO Jason Hart, "Our decision to remove these ingredients from all of our exclusive brand foods delivers on our ongoing commitment to meet the evolving preferences of our customers."

(Excess MSG? What about the hidden MSG under different names? It all SOUNDS good but...)
Urge MSG Flavor Giant Ajinomoto to End Horrific Tests on Dogs, Others (Sept 2023)

Japan-based conglomerate Ajinomoto Co., Inc.—the world's largest manufacturer of the controversial food flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG) as well as the owner of packaged frozen food brands Tai Pei, Ling Ling, and José Olé—has been tormenting thousands of dogs, fish, gerbils, guinea pigs, mice, pigs, rabbits, and rats in horrific and deadly experiments since the 1950s. The company has refused to end worthless animal testing using its ingredients... Peta petition to sign HERE

Glutamic Acid Market To Reach $19,444 Million by 2030 - HERE

...Glutamic acid is used for protein production. The increasing consumption of this kind of acid in the food and beverage sector as a food preservative and enhancer, together with the rising necessity for animal feed because of the augmented consumption of poultry products like chicken, pork, turkeys, beef and geese, along with increasing requirement for aquatic products like fish and shrimp, will drive the industrial growth in the future...

Here's a great article from

Monosodium Glutamate MSG Health Dangers and Side Effects of Toxic Additives and Excitotoxins - HERE

Ajinomoto talks nutrition without compromise and first-mover advantage in healthy ageing - HERE (22/10/20)

Ajinomoto intend to use a smokescreen of 'healthy eating' to push their neurotoxic MSG on old people... (My emphasis)

Glutamates: the key to plant based success - HERE - (10th October 2020)
(with sponsored content by Ajinimoto) 

"...We also offer L-glutamic acid, which can be labeled as a natural flavor..."


Chrissy Teigen's Mom Pepper on Family, MSG & Those Times (Yes, Plural!) She Set the Kitchen on Fire...

Pepper — who is teaming up with Ajinomoto to "school" Americans on MSG — opens up about teaching her family to be adventurous eaters, her go-to Thai dishes and her most memorable cooking mishaps

Read more here if you want to be completely sickened...

and ' Crafted with famous chefs, Omsom’s flavor packets make cooking authentic, flavor-loaded Asian food at home a breeze.' HERE
Here’s How Three Professionals Leverage Their Talent To Fuse Passion With Purpose - HERE

As for her current initiative, Know MSG, using that voice, for decades the “NO MSG” symbol turned people away from monosodium glutamate (MSG), but in reality it’s a plant-based seasoning that combines sodium with glutamate, an amino acid in nature and one that provides umami, a savory taste. It’s verified safe by the Food and Drug Administration. Part of her role also involves communications and particularly, educating the public on understanding MSG.


An extract from a propaganda post below:

...Keeping the vaccine stable

Vaccines also must be stabilised to help maintain the effectiveness of the vaccine in case it is exposed to heat, light or moisture, or if it experiences changes in acidity. Vaccine makers use stabilisers such as sucrose, sorbitol, gelatin and monosodium glutamate (MSG).

All are food ingredients found in almost every kitchen. Sucrose and sorbitol are sugars; gelatin, derived from collagen, is used in Jell-O and gummy bears; monosodium glutamate adds flavour to many dishes. And the amount of stabiliser found in flu vaccines is very small. The average person consumes much more of these ingredients per day through normal food consumption. For example, the amount of sugar and gelatin in a vaccine dose is far less than that found in a single gummy bear. And for those with gelatin allergies, a flu vaccine without it is easy to find...


An informative article about MSG in vaccines by Truth in - 

Mainlining delivers toxins better HERE


MSG is a neurotoxic poison, this is worrying news indeed that MSG might be used to improve anti-cancer chemotherapy; especially as the blood brain barrier of those who are sick is already compromised allowing MSG to potentially cause neural lesions and/or to disrupt the endocrine system in the body.


The next time you read "artificial flavor" on a food label, you should be aware that a component of that new genetically engineered food additive may be embryonic kidney cells from aborted human fetuses. Read the article by Robert Cohen: HERE

What Singer Bebe Rexha Can’t Live Without - HERE - 23rd October 2020

... It does have MSG, which I know is really, really bad, but it’s really hard not to use it. I tried to get a healthier version, but it had this really weird name on the ingredient list. I Googled it and found out it was just another name for MSG, so there’s really no avoiding it....

Another specialty that Mama Wong’s Dumpling and Noodle House is proud of – the absence of monosodium glutamate (msg) in their food... HERE

Food vendors’ unsafe practices putting buyers at risk of liver, kidney diseases

Full report here August 30th - (Agungi, Lekki area of Lagos State, southwest Nigeria

"...Adu further described the health implications of the practices on the body as harmful to health leading to liver and kidney issues.

He said, “Kidney and liver problems and several types of cancers are a result of the excessive use of monosodium glutamate. People don’t measure the quantity but are only interested in making the food delicious. People need to be aware of it. Too much salt is also harmful and that is usually the cause of hypertension, liver disorder and even cancer.

“When the liver is over-laboured, it breaks down. The liver is usually the first point of call. And because the effect is usually not immediate, the body continues to store the toxins in the body, and over time, it begins to break them.

“Once the liver is affected, soon the kidney will break down because the two of them work hand-in-hand. This is one of the major reasons why liver and kidney transplant is on the increase. You will realise that one person needs a liver today and another needs a kidney and other things. This is a major cause although we haven’t come out to state this categorically it is a major link.”
“The major organ that suffers these things is the liver. It’s the metabolism for regulating everything that gets into the body..."

  • The Case Against Monosodium Glutamate—Why MSG is Dangerous (as are Other Sources of Free Glutamate) and How the Dangers Have Been Covered Up - HERE (February 2020)
  • Francis Koster: Turn attention to pollutants for causes of weight gain (MSG & plastic tin lining) HERE (30 August 2020)
    Monosodium glutamate, an ingredient that can cause health problems - HERE
    Mitigating Migraine - HERE
    Takeaway fiend drops three dress sizes and saves £2,000 by making healthy ‘fakeaways’ - HERE   "A lot of it has MSG (monosodium glutamate – a flavour enhancer). I think that’s what makes it addictive."
    Pakistan’s Punjab province bans Ajinomoto salt  -  HERE
    Good Eating Habits Start Young - HERE  Ajinomoto - not content with the toxic MSG used to enhance meat dishes, they're Cook Do® seasonings are targeting children to encourage them to eat vegetables...     
    MSG and Obesity - a great article from 'Truth in Labeling'  and resource HERE
    MSG (AJI-NO-MOTO): A threat to health? HERE 19/9/3030
    What to know about heart palpitations at night? (MSG) 16/9/2020 - HERE
    If MSG is natural, why have hundreds of patents been issued for methods of producing it? HERE (22 July 2020)
    Merriam-Webster revises 'Chinese restaurant syndrome' entry - HERE (22nd May 2020
    Protect Yourself From MSG Damage - HERE (2019) Dr Blaylock
  • MSG, once nearly banned, is back boosting flavors - McDonalds are loading their chicken sandwiches with MSG - HERE
  • Seeing Strange Effects of MSG on Blood Sugar; Anyone have an Idea What's Going on? HERE (19/10/20)
  • MSG, the secret ingredient that makes a pet food a ‘success’ - HERE
  • 5 Reasons You Should Avoid MSG - HERE (2nd March 2020)
  • Have a headache? The top 7 triggers - HERE (30th March 2020) Harvard Health Publishing, Health School
  • Supreme Court bans 'Chinese salt' across country, declares it 'hazardous to health' - HERE (Chinese salt is MSG)
  • New Link Between MSG and Fatty Liver - HERE
  • MSG intake linked to obesity and metabolic syndrome - HERE
  • MSG: Three Little Letters that Spell Big Fat Trouble - HERE
  • The Maggi controversy: What is MSG? - HERE
  • MSG Use Linked To Obesity - HERE


Itasca, Ill. – This morning, PETA announced its recent purchase of stock in Japanese conglomerate Ajinomoto Co., Inc.—the world’s largest manufacturer of monosodium glutamate (MSG) and owner of packaged frozen-food brands Tai Pei, Ling Ling, and José Olé—in order to present a resolution at its 2021 annual general meeting. The group will urge shareholders to end the company’s cruel and deadly tests, in which thousands of dogs and other animals have been used in order to make dubious health claims for marketing its food products and ingredients.

Urge MSG Flavor Giant Ajinomoto to End Horrific Tests on Dogs, Others - HERE (October 2020)
Ajinomoto North America—the U.S. subsidiary of Japan-based Ajinomoto Co., Inc.—has misleadingly and publicly claimed that its "products are not tested on animals and haven't been in over 20 years," despite its parent company actively pursuing cruel and deadly animal tests.

Ajinomoto—MSG Giant That Tortures Dogs and Others in Lethal Tests—Has a New Shareholder: PETA HERE (9th October 2020)

MSG Information Archives from Betty Martini’s site: Mission Possible 

30 June 2017 - Aspartame And MSG Banned From Italian Restaurants
12 June 2017 - The Truth About Nutella
31 Mar 2017 - Ajinomoto Seeks Overseas Deals [Has an embedded video on the web page] [Ajinomoto is hunting for acquisitions in Europe armed with a 200 billion yen ($1.8 billion) war chest, the latest push by the Japanese maker of MSG seasoning to counter slowing growth and a declining population at home. Bloomberg's Grace Huang reports on "Bloomberg Markets." (Source:Bloomberg) – Dr. B. Martini, D.Hum.]12 Dec 2016 - Ajinomoto, Japanese Carcinogenic Neurotoxin Manufacturer Expanding Aspartame & MSG Sales In Unsuspecting African Nations
 21 Nov 2014 - MS And Parkinson's Symptoms From MSG And Aspartame [Has an embedded video on the web page]
05 Nov 2014 - MSG - An Excitotoxin That Kills Brain Cells [Has an embedded video on the web page]
26 Sep 2014 - 6 Notoriously Misleading Food Terms Used To Trick Consumers
08 Sep 2014 - The Surprising Food Flavor That Can Help You Shed Pounds
21 Aug 2014 - Food Adulteration: Strong Economic Incentive To Cheat With Processed Foods [Has an embedded video on the web page]
18 Aug 2014 - The Dirty Little Secrets Hiding Behind Our Pretty Little Processed Food
14 July 2014 - MSG - Making People Sick Year After Year [Has an embedded video on the web page]
07 July 2014 - Drug-Free Solutions For Migraines And Headaches
01 July 2014 - What Is MSG? Side Effects Explained
26 June 2014 - Monosodium Glutamate And All Its Hidden Forms: Yeast Extract, TVP, Hydrolyzed Proteins And More
26 June 2014 - 70,000 Food Additives Approved By The FDA - What You Don't Know Will Hurt You
02 June 2014 - MSG: Brain Poison In Your Food [Has an embedded video on the web page]09 Apr 2014 - MSG - An Excitotoxin That Kills Brain Cells [Has an embedded video on the web page]
02 Apr 2014 - Mother Reverses Autism Symptoms In Daughter By Eliminating MSG From Diet
27 Mar 2014 - The Common Ingredient 'Yeast Extract' Is Functionally Identical To MSG
24 Mar 2014 - MSG - Making People Sick Year After Year
14 Mar 2014 - MS And Parkinson's Symptoms From MSG And Aspartame [Has an embedded video on the web page]
12 Mar 2014 - MSG Is Safe In Small Amounts, Or So You Think
24 Feb 2014 - What We Don’t Know Will Make Us Sick
17 Feb 2014 - 20+ Natural Fibromyalgia Solutions Including The Gluten Free Diet
10 Feb 2014 - MSG Proven Highly Toxic: 1 Dose Causes Headache In Healthy Subjects
13 Jan 2014 - Disease Basics 101: A World Of Misdiagnosis
08 Jan 2014 - MSG: Brain Poison In Your Food [Has an embedded video on the web page]
26 Dec 2013 - The Great Central Nervous System Disruptors: MSG, Aspartame And Cigarettes
16 Dec 2013 - Seven Most Important Requirements For Healing
23 Sep 2013 - Ginger May Protect The Brain From MSG Toxicity, Says Fascinating Research
22 Aug 2013 - Migraines—What Causes Them, And How You Can Best Address Them
12 Aug 2013 - What’s In Your Condiments? [Has an embedded slide show on the web page]
08 Aug 2013 - Dying To Be Healthy - Many Protein Powders Laced With Heavy Metals, MSG
22 July 2013 - Eight Telltale Signs You've Eaten Toxic Food
10 July 2013 - The Bitter Truth About MSG
30 May 2013 - MSG - An Excitotoxin That Kills Brain Cells [Has an embedded video on the web page]
13 May 2013 - MSG - Making People Sick Year After Year [Has an embedded video on the web page]
01 May 2013 - MS And Parkinson's Symptoms From MSG And Aspartame [Has an embedded video on the web page]
30 Apr 2013 - Ingredients To Avoid Besides Monosodium Glutamate
15 Apr 2013 - Why You Should Be Concerned About MSG
04 Apr 2013 - Top Ten Ways Humanity Is Being Murdered In The Name Of 'Evidence-Based Science' (#5 Food Additives)
01 Mar 2013 - Subway's Deception (Opinion)
28 Feb 2013 - MSG: Brain Poison In Your Food [Has an embedded video on the web page]
26 Feb 2013 - How To Halt Migraines Without Prescription Drugs
22 Feb 2013 - MSG And Aspartame Are The Two Leading Causes Of Central Nervous System Damage In The United States
15 Feb 2013 - MSG: Many Secrets Guarded (Opinion)
11 Feb 2013 - MSG: More Sure Grief (Opinion)
10 Dec 2012 - The Ten Worst Ways Your Children Are Being Poisoned Right Now: Vaccines, Food, Video Games And More
25 Oct 2012 - The 5 Biggest Threats To Our Health Freedom
24 Oct 2012 - What's Really In Vaccines? Proof Of MSG, Formaldehyde, Aluminum And Mercury
12 Sep 2012 - Michelle Obama Launches New Supermarket Shopping Guide, But No Mention Of GMO, Aspartame, MSG
25 July 2012 - Home Remedies Relieve Symptoms And Allergic Reactions From MSG Poisoning - Here's What You Need To Know
02 July 2012 - Aspartame And MSG 2 Food Additives You Should Avoid - How Diet Foods And Drinks Can Actually Cause, NOT Prevent Diabetes
20 June 2012 - Five Health Steps The System Does NOT Want You To Take
03 May 2012 - Artificial Sweeteners And Flavor Enhancers Are Dangerous
23 Apr 2012 - The Food Industry Is Waging War On Your Cells With These 10 Toxic Ingredients
05 Mar 2012 - Jack Samuels Has Died,
01 Mar 2012 - The Great Government Hoax Of Public Safety
03 Dec 2011 - Veggie Burgers Often Contain Hidden MSG
30 Nov 2011 - Health Basics: What Is MSG?
16 Nov 2011 - Prepare Healthier Meals With These MSG-Free Seasoning Recipes
02 Nov 2011 - Why MSG Is Unhealthy
03 Aug 2011 - MSG - A Hidden Danger [Also mentions aspartame]
01 Aug 2011 - MSG Hidden In Variety Of Foods And Contributing To Illness
22 Apr 2011 - Coping With MSG
22 Apr 2011 - Evidence Of MSG Toxicity
21 Feb 2011 - Delusional Pepsi CEO Says Doritos Are Not Bad For You [Has an embedded video on the web page]
04 Jan 2011 - MSG For You And A Coffin Too! Ajinomoto Bribes U. S. Dept Of Agriculture And University Professors To Sanctify Poisons17 Dec 2010 - Top 10 Food Additives To Avoid
22 Nov 2010 - How Ultra-Processed Foods Are Killing Us
02 Nov 2010 - Bye-Bye Babies
31 Aug 2010 - Natural Health Movement Achieving Key Victories Over HFCS, MSG, GMOs And More
20 Aug 2010 - Aspartame And MSG Make You Fat, Cause Depression
06 July 2010 - Beware Of Umami - "Taste No. 5" - It's Just Another Name For MSG
18 May 2010 - Treatise On The Falsifications Of Food, And The Chemical Means Employed To Detect Them [This is an E-Book on Google. The original book was published in 1848]
26 Mar 2010 - Labeling Laws Don't 'Brag' About Hiding MSG In Amino Acids
04 Feb 2010 - MSG Kills Kids: Part 1 [YouTube video]
16 July 2009 - Ajinomoto, Aspartame Manufacturer, Loses Court Fight. ASDA (Walmart In The UK) Wins!!

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